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Basic cargo training

Start > Basic cargo training

The “Basic Cargo” training is aimed at individuals who wish to understand the fundamental concepts of security in the aviation industry. It is intended for aviation employees, logistics operators, and those interested in securing cargo and mail. This course combines the analysis of historical acts of unlawful interference and terrorist threats with current security challenges.

During the training, participants will gain knowledge about legal requirements and elements essential for establishing a solid security culture in the workplace and the aviation sector. They will have the opportunity to understand the goals and organization of aviation security, as well as learn how these goals are implemented at different management levels.

A key aspect of the course is learning the principles and techniques of effectively securing cargo and mail. Participants will also learn how to properly configure and operate security checkpoints to ensure maximum protection. Additionally, the course covers issues related to access control to critical points and proper procedures in case of violations.

The final part of the training discusses the procedures for reporting various types of security-related incidents. This practical approach ensures that participants gain not only theoretical knowledge but also the skills necessary for effective operation in the dynamic environment of the aviation industry.